You Know, …

Along Phil's Camino.
Along Phil’s Camino.

You know, once in a while I fall off the end of the spectrum of my own consciousness. I am having thoughts that are way bigger than I can really deal with. So, just hanging out with one at the moment and will try and explain.

Julian of Norwich had a vision one night, she called it a showing, and she spent twenty years trying to communicate it afterward. She was a Christian mystic of the 1300’s. Well, I can scale that back to 1% and go from there. Not trying to compare myself to J of N but in some realms we are all equal. But hanging out with the words of someone like her can definitely expand one’s boundaries, a lot.

So, back to my thought and I won’t go into how I got there but it was sort of a logical progression from one flat rock to the next as I crossed the river. In other words I didn’t think of it in it’s final form on my own but was led there step by step. And on having the thought, it felt so different, so unusual that at first it was hard to grasp.

Let me quit dinking around. The idea is that in our eternal life you and I are going to learn the story of everyone that ever lived. We will have the time and luxury to commune with everyone, as in everyone that ever was or will be. Anything less would really be unsatisfactory, incomplete, unfinished. There that’s it in a nutshell. What do you think? I know it’s terribly out there but hey who said we always had to dwell in the mundane, the little, the usual. With God all things are possible, I’m going with that this morning.

Yup, have to go be a carpenter and bend nails this morning. Then this PM have to go work on the plumbing at the rental house. How can I be so lucky. This is the kind of stuff our days are made of now here on this planet.

Time to go, Felipe.x

4 thoughts on “You Know, …”

    1. Jean ~ thanks for checking in on me. I’m thanksful that you are getting something from the blog. Have a Merry Christmas! Felipe.x

  1. Ohhh Felipe!

    Maybe you and I are not cut from exactly the same bolt of cloth, but we’re sure as can be the same warp and weave 🙂 My stepping stones to “what’s in heaven” came about as I marveled at the land I live on and all the marvelous geography I’ve blessed with seeing. And it always came down to, “I wonder how it got this way”. Eureka, Spirit directed moment flashes brightly! I’m saying in heaven I’ll get to watch it all unfold, either in ultra-speeded up time or even as it actually happened, and I’ll have to time to watch it all. With Friends, even! Care to watch with me for a while up yonder?? 🙂
    Earth, sun and moon creation gazin’.

    1. PFJ ~ We could spend mornings doing your geologic thing, which I really like, and then afternoon’s meeting everyone. I think we have to experience everything in the time it happened, no speeding up for us. We’re the hardcore guys, we have to check out every raindrop that fell and blade of grass that grew. I think we got a plan. PFF.

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