Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)

Rick, Maryka and I are in Barbadelo, just west of Sarria. Very lush here compared to the desert I was in yesterday morning. I am looking at oaks, poplar, birch and a laurel hedge; looks like home.

Kelly is lounging in Leon. Ladies, a tip. In Leon I spent an hour and a half sitting by the Cathedral waiting to say Happy Birthday to Angelia but she was on the road somewhere Caminoheading along. But it gave me time to place all the stones and build the thing. But I came up with more questions than answers. How did they do this and how did they do that? Oh well.

I lost the stylus that cost me 5 euro and an hour of searching around in the big city with Gracie. Oh well. Rick just handed me an extra one that he stole from Kelly. See how it works?

Annie, message for you. Maryka had a dream last night in the albergue that you will have a big lucky windfall. So keep your eyes open!

Also Rick started a blog: www.oldperegrino.blogspot.com . More Camino happenings to check in on. Yup.

OK, have to shower and do laundry. Maybe take a nap. Say a rosary for my stone pile and pilgrims struggling along the way. Till later, all good, Hotel California

13 thoughts on “Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)”

  1. Phil, seems like you were teleported by magic into an adventure-land filled with wonderful people and events. But sardines and chocolate — hmm. The sun and heat shine through the words. My mom passed away peacefully on the 12th and I’ve been floating like a balloon ever since, released from intense worry for her these past six months. I treasure your friendship. Sig

    1. Sig, Sorry to hear about your Mom. I will pray for you and her. Yes it is wonderful on this adventure. I will try and tell you about iton our next walk. Love, Phil.

  2. Phil, thank you for keeping us updated thru your blog! At least, thru here, I am still feeling a little bit into El Camino. I checked Rick’s blog. I like his picture, he seems like a fun camino’s partner. Enjoy the walk…I miss those days! Big hug!

      1. Oh my God, I LOVE the POV name 🙂 I agree with Laura, the trio of amigos are in the angels’ hearts!

  3. Kelly did a little lounging but we also toured the cathedral with The Sheriff and ate some great meals. He says to tell you not to forget to say something nice about him every day on the blog.

    I am on the first of 4 trains heading back to Tours and then Paris. Sorry to have to stop for the year but will faithfully read your blog for the vicarious thrill.

  4. Dear trio!! Dear men!
    You don’t know how much I love you! Phil, Kelly, Rick (that I’ve already never meet in my whole life)
    Is it possible to love people you haven’t spoke or been face to face?
    There’s something bigger about meaning of life haven’t experienced before. And it’s all about Love!!
    Thank you babies!!

    1. Laura, Best of everything to my Angels. Things good here but different. Love, Phil.

  5. Phil-so excited for you! Please thank Maryka for me-dreams do come true! I am loving your words, your heart, your soul…you. Thanks for being who you are. Peace-

    1. Annie, We are having a ball! Better than expected or dreamed of. Thanks so much for your support and inspiration. Love, Eggguy.

  6. Ohhhh Phil you lost the stylus! Haha too funny I’m glad someone gave you a new one it all works out in the end right 🙂

    1. Gracie, that whole stylus thing was so that we could have that adventure together. Love, Phil.

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