It’s All Happening

Osian, our grandson, in the snow of the Northeast.
Osian, our grandson, in the snow of the Northeast.

It is all happening indeed. Something that has been in the works for a few months has come to fruition. This is the article about this pilgrim in the Northwest Catholic Magazine put out by the Archdiocese here in Seattle. Wow, really a beautiful piece. They did a wonderful job of chasing me around for photos and of getting the story right. Thanks, you guys. So that link is:

Associated with the article is a radio interview that I did a few weeks ago while in Massachusetts. It is eight minutes long and you might enjoy that also. I think that you can stream that off the website. I don’t know how the timing works. The show that it will be on plays four times a week and it will be run from March 1st to March 15th. The link is :

The local Pacific Time Zone times for the show are:
Sundays at 8:00 AM
Mondays at 11:00 AM
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Saturdays at 3:00 PM

OK, so how do I take all this? I’m not really used to all this attention, right? I’m just this funky guy in the old L.L.Bean shirt walking around in the mud. But if my story somehow inspires other cancer patients then hey, how can I stand in the way of that? Already I am getting calls to meet with local Island folks who are struggling with new cancer realities. I’m really not a councilor with this stuff but more like a buddy. That’s my idea at this time.

Alright, how is it going with you? Fall coming to Austraila. Maybe some snow melting in Massachusetts. More minutes of sun every day here. Keep in touch, OK? It’s all happening loves, Felipe.