Because we also have to laugh!

A representation of the audacity of the employee who signed my diploma.

Dear Caminoheads,

To give a contrast to the posts in the past few days, I thought I could share what happened today… after hours, still is hard to believe. I am doing some paperwork needed for some qualifications at work, and one of the requirements is that my university degree has the “Hague Apostille”. Before the document can have the apostille, there is another prior step that requires a stamp and signature. This signature is given to certify that the previous signatures in the diploma are true and match the public registries, and it is given in the ministry of interior affairs.  I got that signature on a crappy rainy morning of July 2000 when I got my degree.

So today, all confident, after waiting for my appointment taken some days ago, following all the protocol, etc. I take my degree to have the “Hague Apostille” and I see the officer looking at a screen, going to talk to one person, to another person, to another and coming back to the screen, and then says the NO-magic four words: “There is a problem”. And I was like… “what can of problem can be after 21 years?!!!” And the officer continues to explain that the signature of the person who certified that all the other signatures were true and matched the public registry, doesn’t match the public registry. Yes, The One who has to role to check daily that the signatures of others match the signatures registered, did a “short signature” or gave the document to his 5 years old to sign, or to his secretary. The signature in my diploma and the registry aren’t even similar, none, zero similarity…

I don’t know whether to cry or congratulate this man for the audacity… you have to be very bold to do something like that knowing that at some point it might come back… but in this case, this person left the office 6 years after stamping and signing my diploma…

Oh well… Maybe, saying “alperfect” makes the trick for a speedy resolution?! I hope so!!!

Alperfect loves,
