(photo W Hayes)
Our beloved Cris has looked up “oasis” in the dictionary and come up with two meanings. One is a fertile place in the desert. There is water there for plant growth and our thirst. We can drink our fill there after our year wandering in the desert. We can rest in the shade there. We can enjoy others there as this watery magnet draws people in from the surrounding parched landscape.
The other definition that she found was a place of calm in a world of chaos. Ah yes, chaos. That is the word for this minefield of a year. Uncertainty has ruled. False narratives have gathered and reached dangerous proportions like violent storms. We have economic and political upheavals. Fear of this and fear of that is common. That’s all chaos in different forms and intensities. Calm is at an all time low right now.
Don’t we want to touch base with some calm. A retreat perhaps, a respite, a recalibration, a check in. We need to look at each other and say, “Ah, see we made it!”. It will be two years since we were together here. And maybe we can bookend this thing or at least the worst part of it. We know what the before felt like and we know what being in it feels like. Let’s formulate what being over it feels like.
We are in for a couple of sunny days with temps reaching 60 F tomorrow afternoon.
sunny day loves, Felipé.