Sitting Still
COVID storms on here in the UK and over Christmas my brother went down to it hard. Being clinically vulnerable due to my chemo, it scared me, left me somewhat afraid to go outside. He’s the first person close to me who’s had the disease. And with the uk news full of spiraling cases and drowning hospitals, I had a bad few days. Walking in the countryside has kept me sane through lockdown but now I was scared to go out.
Then I dreamed of the Camino. Of the simplicity of it. Of sitting in the cafe, in the early afternoon watching the peregrinos pass. When the day is over and the walking done. The glass of rioja, the bowl of padrón peppers. Writing in my journal. The peace of it. And on waking I realized that this is a time in my life for sitting quietly, and watching the outside world, without needing to engage with its fearfulness. I can be here, without engaging in the fear or craziness. I can witness it and rest.
And when the time is right I can go on.
Karen, Caminoheads England Bureau Chief