The lull before the New Year’s storm right now. I’m the only one up, time to think. I’m mulling over the past year. I am thankful that my heath has maintained at a reasonable level. I had some fun trips with the film and that crew. Many great pilgrims stopped by to walk the trail and share in tapas. Wiley and Henna’s wedding in August was important and memorable. The activities at the ranch have continued onward and I am thankful. The blog here has been a continued source of neighborly love for all of us.
So a new year coming up. Maybe a chance for a new start or a different angle on the whole thing. Maybe a different intensity. I am excited and semi terrified by the thought of a new direction here at the blog. I am somewhat comforted by my memory of starting the blog back in May of 2014 when I had no idea what I was doing. But that didn’t seem to bother me then.
The blog is still and will be about the “bigger sense camino”. It will be more focused on leaving behind a “map” (thank you Catherine) for those cancer patients that are new or struggling. It will be a way of showing “God as a verb” (thank you Janet). It will be more joyful hopefully.
Yea, oh and the inclusion of prose poetry possibly maybe kind of. I think I can, I think I can… Well, that would be nice if it helps get the point across otherwise maybe it’s not that important at this time. We will see.
Yup, a few more minutes left before the frosty walk this AM. Oh, I finally have seed for the birds. That will be a project to get all the feeders going again. Hang on birdies I’m coming!
New loves, Felipé.