I so much appreciate clarity, a gift that comes with age I think. It so much simplifies life to see clearly. It is a blessing. But still everything is not clear just certain corners of one’s life. So the process goes on to mine for the ore that understanding comes from.
A few great things popped out at me during our digression into the Thai Cave Rescue that really captured me. This is combination with the thoughts of Cris and Ronaldo from their comments. Let me write of one of these items so I can do a good job on it and leave the rest for another day.
Those of you who have been here for a while know that I have read a certain book maybe twenty times. I am not exaggerating, ask My Rebecca. And I have asked the question, have people read a book over and some say yes and some say never. And of the folks that have read one over it may be that it was once or a few times. So, I had to say to myself what is with your relationship with this book of yours Felipé?
The book is rather obscure, at least now in these times. It is about an American Naval Officer who stays behind in the Philippine Islands after the invasion by The Japanese Imperial forces in World War Two. He is a man that is active in his approach to the situation. He operates in a world of little law and order and tries to bring it. He operates in a world with little resources and he improvises. He lives in a world of peril and keeps one step ahead of it. His most important feat was that he communicated with General MacArthur everyday bringing news of the situation and helping to pave the way for the future Liberation.
Here is this man with such clarity to pull this off and such faith to think that it was possible at all. It is all about a certain interior state that is the foundation for a way of navigating in a world being out of one’s comfort zone for the duration of events. I studied this for years not knowing that I would be that guy to in this land of stage four cancer. I am “stuck” in this situation. Or I am being allowed to explore the space of this diagnosis. Here I am reporting out to you every day. This book is such a model for what I am now doing. It is truly mind boggling to me at the moment.
The book by the way is American Gorrilla in the Philippines. I am so thankful for it being written and me finding it in the secondhand book store once upon a time. No coincidences, right?
Monday loves, Felipé.