I salvaged this word from my daily cleaning of spam from the blog. FUTURAMA! That’s just what I needed, a glimpse of better things to come. I have a few minutes before my morning walk and just wanted to report in to you. Yesterday’s blog seemed pretty gloomy but that was accurate. In itself it was a pretty good scan showing minor growth but we got caught up in the expectation thing, wishing and hoping for better for a reversal after two months of hard work.
Well, I should practice what I preach at this point. The road to improvement is never a straight line or even grade, there are ups and down and even reversals along the way. But the overall trend in upward. That’s what I say to students in archery. Don’t let the memory of your last arrow affect your next arrow.
Last year I walked a labyrinth for the first time. That was at Grace Cathedral with Annie and Padre Tomas. I had never done one because I mistakenly thought that it was a maze. A maze has dead ends where a labyrinth has none, big difference. You go and you go and you go on the labyrinth. You can see your goal at the center but as you move forward on this trail you move away from the center at times. And at other times you are moving closer. It is not a spiral that sucks you toward a vortex but it is something far more interesting. It shows you this way, this Camino, where there are ups and downs or ins and out but if you keep going you will get to where you want to go.
Well did we successful make lemonade out of lemons there? Ah, five minutes till my walk. Wiley and Hanna got a new dog and I thought I would get her to join me today for the trail walk. OK, here I go. Thanks for all the comments and emails. Love, Felipe.