Sitting in the waiting room at the hospital and gazing out the window at the site where the fast food McDonald’s used to be. It was just across the street and probably originally set up for the convince of staff and patients. But it had seen better days and finally economics caught up with it and it disappeared in the wink of an eye. Now there is a multistory building underway on the footprint.
Well, I never made it to the fireworks last night. I fell asleep on the couch with IPad in hand. That’s an OK thing.
So, today at the hospital for my 99th treatment! I don’t know if I am bragging or complaining really. I am so happy that I have my friends here to banter with. Coming here to face the reality of the treatment center without them would be deadly. I am looking around the waiting room and half of the folks here are looking pretty deadly. Maybe I can pray for them as I sit.
Here I am at the comfy chair. There is a man next to me that plays a Peruvian flute for his wife. It is a very soothing sound. The hospital could employ him to play. Or maybe we could all chip in.
Well, I’ve been dropping hints all over the place that my next treatment is my 100th. That is going to be Tuesday July 18th. I know I usually get treatments on Wednesday but this is an exception. I got one of the nurses to make carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for us here. Sister Joyce is coming over to the Island that afternoon so the Phil’s Camino gang can all get together to celebrate with here at the ranch.
My nurse Becca is learning ukulele with a bunch of the other nurses. How fun! I have always considered myself so unmusical, it would be good therapy to take something like that up. That’s what I need, a new hobby.
OK, I’ve blabbed on enough. Time to go, maybe I can drum up some more cupcakes. Love, Felipe.