It has almost a sacred feel about it. The seventh game coming up, the armageddon, the last possible… The Cubbies did it right last night, winning game six by a decisive margin. What was it 9 to 2, something like that? Catherine and I were off to church last evening and we were juggling that with the game. Maybe we didn’t do either well but it was fun trying. They both seemed like obligations.
Catherine said something interesting about the situation of the Cubbies forcing game seven. She said something like, “No matter what happens their fans will love them.” I’ve been thinking about that since. That’s true right? And really how could it be otherwise. They have such heart that they are going to push it as far as they are able and perhaps won’t win the ultimate prize. But as long as the fans think that the team did everything that they could and sacrificed everything along the way, they will be loved.
And doesn’t that go for us with the major life threatening diseases. Chances are most all of us will get overwhelmed but pushing it to the seventh game and then getting overwhelmed is all one can do. Then it becomes sort of how do we do that best with what we got, with the most style, the most verve. The cards are stacked against us but realizing that and continuing on in spite of it and doing the best one can with that is the goal in my mind. And doing that for as long as possible is the winning. Maybe that is why Maryjane calls my Camino, my life quixotic. I’m still thinking about that.
The best to you on your trail, whatever that might be. Game seven loves, Felipe. Go Cubbies!!