From advice and urging from Pilrim Farmer John, hailing from Iowa, the corn capitol of the universe, I am picking my corn a little earlier than I would normally. He cringed when he read that I was waiting for my corn to ripen. He thinks that the way to do it is to eat it before it gets to far along. So that flavored my thinking (nice pun huh?) today and I went ahead and picked four ears which we had for lunch the check and then a dozen for the stand just to get things started. So we are doing it! And this was the day that I predicted that sales would start and thanks to PFJ we are right on schedule.
Catherine had the idea to have a corn countdown which we did. 10 days, 9 days and so on to today. Maybe next year if I am still around I’ll have some placards with those numbers on them to put out by the road. That would be fun.
Yup, pretty near cornperfect around here. So putting a wrap on our Friday. See you tomorrow, love, Felipe.