Got My Red Scarf

Big celebration here in Estella, feast day for St Fermin, I think.  Lots of food and singing and music.  Running of the bulls tonight at 2030 and I got the red scarf so I am ready.  Going for the gusto, right?

Kelly feeling better today.  He walked with me after sending his pack forward for a few euros.  We  had agreed that we could do this occasionally if needed.  So he is back with a vengeance.

Tomorrow it loos like we will wind up in Los Archos which is 21 k down the road.  We are on the verge switching over to kilometers from miles.  Along the way is a winery that has a free wine fountain.  We will have to try and pace ourselves once again.

Well, maybe I will go for a nap while I can.  Need to maintain my strength to keep one step ahead of the bulls tonight.  Buen Camino, Phil.

Fifth Day

I had 35132 steps today.  Half day yesterday had 17970.  Tuesday had 39348.  Hot here and we may do half day tomorrow and get done by 1300.  Kelly had heat exhaustion here after we got to the hostel but he is sleeping now.  Everyone’s is looking after him.  We left Uterga this morning and are in Lorca now.  I. Think that it was about 22 k with a detour that we took.

The detour was  to the Knights Templar church constructed in the 12th century.  It was supposed to be open but was locked up.  We investigated the exterior.  I placed my hand on a small carved cross that is on the right side of the entrance gate.  I am finding touching history to be very powerful.

I want to get back to the idea that the pain gets silly that I was working on earlier.  Taking this out of context sort of makes for some strange reading but it is what it is.  Two nights ago some our party was staying with Maribel in Cizur Menor .  She is a Camino Angel who has been working here of close to thirty years.  She works on foot problems and can tell the problem before you take your boots off.  One of her secrets is to put Maxi Pads as insoles to collect sweat and blister gunk.  Yea, works.

Yesterday at lunch Jess and Todd set up this game of rock toss trying to get gravel into my empty boots.  They had all of us playing.  Then this morning I had both my boots laced up and tied and ready to go and something just didn’t feel quite right but since my feet feel so bad on the bottoms I am not quite sure.  Sure as heck had a almond sized one in there.  But the key idea is that I wasn’t sure.

And this after the really hilarious move of putting my glasses in one of my Crocs before bed and then getting up at 0600 and walking to the communal toilet and back with them in there.  Again something didn’t quite feel right.  Hmm.  I have managed to fix them sort of.

We caught up to Mariead.  Tomorrow we my lose her again as we will go light with Kelly.  But people walk in fits and starts so that finding them again is easier than one would think.  I had a great conversation with Todd this afternoon and of course mentioned Sister Joyce, Rebecca, Danger Zone, Nugget and Dr. Barnes.  Todd is getting the Camino experience even though he has all this work to do.  Jess is still nursing knee and has been taxiing ahead.

Well, I have go and find some sleep.  Day six tomorrow.  Have to say one more rosary for a Camino Angel that brought us out cold cans of Coke as we stumbled by her home.  She had beautiful roses and I stopped to smell them I might report.  We had nothing to give her so I gestured that I would pray for her and she seemed happy.  Buen Camino.