Yesterday Was A Happening

Evidence of the alperfect dinner party.
Evidence of the alperfect dinner party.

Yesterday was definitely something and it revolved around two centers, both Camino related. One was the photo shoot here at the ranch and the other was Mary Margaret. And right now the way it looks is that today is just sort of cleanup after that although the day may suprise me with it’s own great story. I will keep my eye out.

The weather cooperated yesterday or one could say that St. James was around here helping facilitate with our outdoor activities. In the morning Kelly, Mary Margaret and I were here walking Phil’s Camino. MM got a taste of the locale through that. Then in the afternoon Kelly and Rick showed up to walk and be a part of the photo shoot for the NW Catholic Magazine article coming up in March. Stephen and Ellen were here from the Archdiocese for a number of hours taking shots and trying to capture the flavor of our effort here. Then at 1700 tapas began and dinner somewhere around 1800.

So, the guest of honor, MM was here, as was Kelly, Rick and his wife Carolyn (parents of Maryka), our son Wiley and his girlfriend Riley. The Tapa Nazi, that would be me, organized the tapas. My Rebecca fixed a pork roast with sour kraut and black eyed peas. This is a very southern meal that we always have on New Year’s Day but missed it this year. And Carolyn and Kelly brought some dishes to supplement the whole.

The meal was delicious and the wine drinking was also. The table was strewn with all the evidence of that and also the Bible, other books, an icon, a map and other reference materials. Conversation was spectacular. We approached the realm of being louder than the Italians. What pushed us over the top was the opening of a champagne bottle with just one slash of a big kitchen knife by MM. We were swashbuckling our way through the universe at that point! So yea, the Camino continues.

Then we had a few hours sleep and Kelly and MM are off to Seattle this AM to tour the Pike Street Market and then head to the airport. I am just positive that MM’s trip was a total success and that makes me feel good. We all connected beautifully and this is a gift of the Camino to be able to do that so easily. Yup, reporting from the epicenter, connected love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Yesterday Was A Happening”

  1. Bless you, Phil, for making this another significant stage along our Camino. It was simply wonderful in every way with overflowing food, wine and agape!


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