With Mary Margaret And Kelly

Along the Way.
Along the Way.

We three amigos got together and did a little walk this morning. We three enjoyed a nice window of sunshine and calm winds. Yea, time to catch up and tell stories that we hadn’t heard before. Maybe making plans to get back to Spain.

MM told a great story about her and Anse in Roscevales which I have to repeat. It sounds like the kind of crackup that our giddy selves would appreciate. So, the two of them were in town and MM saw some saddles and said to Anse that a person could ride a horse on the Camino. And Anse came back with the thought “or a monkey”. MM is thinking what the heck. And then Anse says, “A donkey, a donkey!” A slight translation glitch.

We know how to have good cheap fun, don’t we? Matter of fact that might be what’s it’s all about in the end. A place, a task, time and good company and we will figure out the rest.

OK, off to chores. I have been wrestling with my tractor, trying to get it running for firewood splitting duty. But it should come to life today, hopefully, give enough tender loving care . Then this afternoon the film crew from Northwest Catholic Magazine is out here to photograph us pilgrims on Phil’s Camino. Then this evening is tapas and dinner here at the ranch for a big bunch of folks revolving around MM visit. All good, alperfect, you are in our thoughts, love, Felipe and company.