To Contemplate

My favorite shot from 2014. It seems a view from the inner Camino.
(photo K Burke)

So, if we go with this typo just for the heck of it. Just because. Just because it may be an example of a lucky mistake. We will go with it to see where it goes.

This is tricky because we are aware that we can’t say that there is only one way to do a Camino. It is all so personal. But there seems to be a difference between a pilgrim’s journey physically and his/her journey internally. A difference between say walking and wondering.

Monday I was talking with Janet my energy worker. I asked her to give me some idea about contemplation. I was casting around trying to get a new way to think about it. Janet said that in simplest terms contemplation was the aligning of the individual with the universe. That’s good and more streamlined than anything I had.

The typo reads “the authentic Camino begins when it is contemplated.” There is something to be said for that in anyone’s case if the inner Camino can lead to such an elegant journey. So, we are lucky that we stumbled across this I would say.

I am going about half speed today since I had my oral surgery yesterday. I will slowly get it together.

thank you loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “To Contemplate”

  1. Good morning all. I’ve been thinking about this since the original post when I wondered if it was Phil playing with words or auto correct, a feature all of us have surely experienced.
    At any rate, it is a very appropriate typo. Contemplation is the beginning of change in my life, and what is a pilgrimage if not a toolbox for change?

    Another interesting typo could be “A difference between say walking and wondering” becoming
    “A difference between say walking and wandering.“


    1. Ronaldo ~ hey, so glad you commented. Comments have been thin lately and I was wondering if anyone was awake. People probably glued to TV these days. So fun to work on this stuff. I just love these Beatitudes! Felipé.

      1. Sometimes I just have no words worth typing. You summed it up just right, nothing more needed. The beatitudes are great, keep on sharing.

  2. Hi boss,

    I cannot help but commenting here too… sorry! 😀
    You know I LOVE Richard Rohr… I want him for my night table specially when I have insomnia and would need someone as clear as him to align my flying thoughts…!!! This is why the idea of contemplation that he offers is the one I was thinking of when I read the beatitude as you wrote it… Here are his words:
    “Contemplation is simply being fully present—in heart, mind, and body—to what is in a way that allows you to creatively respond and work toward what could be.

    “Contemplation is both personal and communal, internal and external. It helps us let go of our usual, self-focused way of thinking and doing things so that our compassionate, connected, and creative self can emerge. Through contemplation we develop the capacity to witness our egoic motivations, bringing this awareness into our day-to-day actions and living with increased freedom and authenticity through deeper awareness of our self and God’s Self.”

    Isn’t that what the Camino is and made of us?

    I think we should all get a tattoo of the beatitude with the typo… Just saying!
    Contemplative loves,

    1. Cris~ I think that I need to cut and paste here and put this on today’s post. Didn’t write it yet and it is afternoon. We are in the middle of a healthy snowstorm here and it is taking most of my my attention. Thank you for that wonderful material from Uncle Richard. Felipé.x

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