The Crackling Fire

Wiley and Riley in December.
Wiley and Riley in December.

I can’t tell you how beautiful it was to wake this morning to the sound of a crackling fire in the wood stove in the next room. Our son Wiley was up getting going to be at the job site at 0730. He started a new job on Tuesday with a local construction company here on the island.

It seems that over the years of marriage and having our two children growing up it fell upon me to be the guy to be up early to start the fire and thaw the place out. And to be up early and make breakfast and pack lunches. We never had much money during those years but one of the things that seemed important was getting them off to a good start in the morning and I made that a priority.

And then there were early mornings in the Elk Hotel camping in the snow and blow when someone would have to get up and start the fire and get the place thawed out. We talked about the Elk Hotel not to long ago, a winter worthy tent with a small wood stove that has been the base camp of many adventures over the years. Heck, the tent poles weigh ninety five pounds. All these memories came to me this early morning when I heard the crackling of Wiley’s fire and I was still horizontal and warm. Bless you my son.

Well, that was the start to my day. Now I am off to Our Jennifer’s to pick her up and swoop into the big city and the big hospital. More mischief opportunities for the Cancer Commandos are in the offing.

OK, that’s the way it is or at least the way it appears, crackling loves, Felipe.