So Sorry


So sorry that I didn’t get a pic of me with Father Tom. Why do ai fail to document? Maybe it is like trying to photograph a whirlwind. I was so busy the whole time that the opportunity slipped away. Maybe Annie has a shot that she would send.

Anyway, it was an occasion, his coming. His fortified my whole Christian faith, made it more robust. Well and confused me at the same time. Confused isn’t the right word but I can’t think of better at the moment. It just seems that there was time before his visit and time after his visit. It was a significant event and things that happened before are fuzzy, are harder to remember. Does that make sense?

So, I am off to st John Vianney’s for Mass in a few moments. After that I walk and then I am planning on working on the corn. Maybe the weather will cooperate. It has been variable with sun alternating with showers. But the sun has been keeping ahead of the moisture so the soil is still workable. Have to purchase the rest of my corn seed this AM and get it soaking. Life here at the ranch.

I liked what Father Tom said about me rekindling his Camino spirit. I guess that is what we are here for at Caminoheads, right? We rekindle, we keep it going. We know how to do that. OK, till later, love you, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “So Sorry”

  1. Mi Amigo,
    Just a little note here from el granjero Juan, passed on by his grand dad Michael
    David Conway: “Work on Sunday if you’ve a mind to. Just don’t plan on getting anything accomplished” The Irish did a great job of blending their faith with the spirit world of the fairies. So, good luck with the corn planting today 😉


    1. Ohhhh, Poor Phil. I preached about you today at the Defense Language Institute and the Ord Military Chapel. The Gospel reading was all about the Good Shepherd. I shared with my flock about my time on Vashon with my “new best bud,” Phil. Treading the pasture of Phil’s Camino, not unlike a pastured sheep. Phil, the paradigmatic “good shepherd” who finds daily salvation by “laying down his life for others,” like the “Good Shepherd.” The “imitator of Jesus” who invites other to “come walk with me.” The enlightened notion that SALVATION is all about “salvare,” a Latin word which is all about wholeness and good health. It’s about “healing” rather than “curing.” It’s about “wisdom” rather than “intelligence.” It’s about just putting one foot in front of the other, stepping into a space I’ve never been before and leaving behind a place I’ll never go again.

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