Smiles Over Miles

Runoff water flowing through Raven Creek.  This  only runs in the winter.
Runoff water flowing through Raven Creek. This only runs in the winter.

Hi. “Smiles over miles”, is a saying that I heard the Pacific Crest Trail folks say to get across the idea that being happy was more important than how may miles you walked. I like it. And somewhere along the Camino I started saying something like, “it’s not the mileage but whether you got the message”. The message being the answers to your personal questions. So, pretty close. And I like their wording better than ours so I am going to change ours to, “message over mileage”. There, that’s way better, lighter and more concise, more backpacky. Thanks PCT guys.

Just walked three laps around Phil’s Camino. Not that far really but again we are going for smiles and answers so alperfect. I was filling bird feeders along the trail and took a few pics and I was checking out the partial flooding of the pastures. So I was kind of dinking around.

And new this week I opened up an afternoon walk on Wednesday from 4-5 PM. So, try and come and walk we us. Here is the spring schedule:
Sunday 1000-1100.
Monday 0900-1000.
Wednesday 1600-1700.
Friday 0900-1000.

In a few minutes we are off to see the movie about the art at the Vatican Museum. Can’t wait, I love this stuff, a feast for the eyes. So, have to go for now. Always great to be with you. Remember, “smiles over miles and message over mileage”, it will help out. Alperfect, love, Felipe.