Sacramento Last Evening, Monterrey Today

Felipe and Padre Tomas at the Mission.
Felipe and Padre Tomas at the Mission.

We had a great showing at the REI in Sacramento with approximately 100 folks showing up. It was a meeting of the APOC chapter there and we were there to give them our best song and dance. Notably missing were Tom and JoAnn who were off on a trip to Mexico.

It is so special showing Phil’s Camino to a bunch of Camino people as compared with a festival audience. Filmgoers at the festivals have one sort of interest but a pilgrim audience is way more involved. Actually we got a standing ovation. They were a great group and Annie and I brought our A game for the QandA. REI had to throw us out when it got to closing time at 2100.

Then immediately we jumped on the highway and Esther drove to her place in Monterrey where we were up late yakking. So right now I am supposed to be napping but here I am writing to you while Annie and Esther are off trolling the supermarket for dinner.

But I jumped ahead, for Father Tom (Padre Tomas) accompanied by his sister Linda took us out to brunch. Then we did some driving around the area which is all so beautiful, ocean, wind blown trees, surf, wind blown trees, more surf. Yea and we toured the San Carlos Borromeo Del Rio Carmelo Mission with the padre as our tour guide. He sometimes serves the Mass there so people knew him and he knew all the good stuff to see.

I find the old missions so fascinating. All the history and the buildings so rugged and the grounds so peaceful. There was a trail that connected all 21 missions way back when. Some of it still exists and some has to be approximated because of modern roads, buildings and homes. But that might be fun to try and do sometime.

So tonight we get to hang out with Esther and her husband Daniel. And tomorrow is Sunday and Mass but I will get to that on tomorrow’s post. I think it is time for my nap. Maybe read a few pages from Don Quixote, approaching halfway!

Heard the Washington Huskies won yesterday. Way to go boys! Hello from Esther and Annie. OK, time to go, love you, Felipe.

6 thoughts on “Sacramento Last Evening, Monterrey Today”

  1. Smile! Hi Phil! It was such an honor not only to have Annie up in Sacramento to show Phil’s Camino, but, the great surprise for everyone as *YOU* were announced as a surprise special guest! Sorry that I *almost* blew the surprise as I did the introduction as I did not know it was a secret! Quick recovery to save the reveal when I saw Annie in the back of the room frantically waving her hands. Ha! I was able to save the secret of you being here with us till the very end. The ovation was one of the most lovely things – truly heartfelt by all those in the room. I love this Pilgrim community!! As I mentioned to you last night, Tom was my mentor for my first Camino and I first told he and JoAnne about Phil’s Camino after my first viewing of it – Annie’s very first showing in Oakland. They end up on Vachon Island to visit family – and they meet you! It is such a small world, this world of pilgrims. Thanks to you, your wife, and your family for sharing yourself with all of us. Always, Buen Camino … Kerri

    1. Kerri ~ a tremendous evening for all of us. Crazy good crowd and the makings of a great new APOC chapter. Thanks so much for having us. Phil.

  2. Hola Felipe!
    So happy for you, Annie, and the Phil’s Camino crew! No doubt the feedback from Camino vets and
    Camino planners and wannabes is on a totally different scale than folks just wanting to check out and experience some classic film making. I’d love to be in the APOC audience to see and feel the vibes there and watching the glow on your face, and Annie’s. Speaking of “audiences”, Cathy and I are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Phil’s Camino DVD, and to celebrate we’re inviting a house-full of our St. Joe parishioners to join us for an evening of fine entertainment to watch it here. I’ll be so proud to announce that Phil broke bread with us here in this very house! Then we’re going to make the DVD available to any other parish members who want to take it home to show others and also have the link listed where they can buy their own copy if they so wish. Such a great time of year to be able to show all the goodness represented in your story.
    Regarding the trail linking all the remaining Missions together: a Camino friend from my walk 3 years ago is doing the entire trail in segments. She has kept us up to date via blog and FB posts as she has walked each section. Sounds like another great goal!!


    1. Juan ~ so great that you are getting the word around about Phil’s Camino. Yes, the trail in California is intriguing. Those missions are so beautiful. Might be fun. Felipe.

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