My Fears This Morning

This refers to yesterday's post.  This Hot Springs at the Arlington Hotel.  That is Steve Watkins in the upper right.  I think that his wife Dana  took the pic. This refers to yesterday’s post. This Hot Springs at the Arlington Hotel. That is Steve Watkins in the upper right. I think his wife Dana took the pic.

I woke up at 4:30 AM and the alarm was set for 6:30 AM. And then I pretty awake. So, my best thing to do at that quiet time is to check in with the universe and that includes my tumors. We were all hangin around and the topic of fears came up. The idea that we were kicking around was how sort of arbitrary my personal fears are. We all have a set of them and they go a long way in defining us. What is that and how did I get that particular set or how does anyone arrive at having their own set? And of course our set represents reality while others fears are mostly unfounded.

We closed down the meeting and I rolled over on my side and slept till both My Rebecca’s and my radio alarm clock went off. Mine was intent on telling me about a three mile backup somewhere. Got those shut off and I had to regroup after a mild nightmare about renegade city buses going this way and that and causing all sorts of havoc. Here are my fears showing up when on this trip to California that starts today I decided that I would use the bus system to get myself to and from the airport. Buses and trafic are scary apparently!

I can’t account for my fears. They are so capricious, maybe that is the right word. Consider just before this bus craziness I am hanging out with my tumors like they are a bunch of harmless munchkins. No fear on either of our parts, Hmm.

OK, off to make my day. Esther is going to be at the airport in Sacramento to pick me up and get me to the REI. Let the fun begin and the fears subside, watch out for those buses, love, Felipe.