Phil’s Charming Walk Schedule 4/27/19

Sara and I trying to get around one of the big firs along the trail.

The sky couldn’t be bluer here in Seattle. That was a song wasn’t it? Anyway, the trail is in great shape and waiting on you to get here. No special anything needed.

Monday 0900-1000
Tuesday 1600-1700
Thursday 0900-1000
Sunday 1600-1700

Alperfect, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Phil’s Charming Walk Schedule 4/27/19”

  1. Yes, that was a Perry Como song my father loved. “Like a beautiful child/growing up free and wild/full of laughter, full of tears/full of dreams to last the years . . . in Sea-at-le!”

    1. Henriette ~ Perry Como, are we really that old??? He sang back before there was music! Felipé.x

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