My Big Day

The December 1st showing of the documentary on the Rock.

My Rebecca just said that to me, “Well it’s your big day.” Actually, I think it is our big day. Lots of people were involved with the Phil’s Camino documentary. I hope many people can claim part of it. So, yea, the first Island public showing of our film will be this evening at six o’clock.

Annie O’Neil our producer/director is showing up here shortly to start the day. And then the day will culminate with a Q and A session after the showing. I have got to iron a shirt here, that’s what I gotta do.

Well this day marks some type of landmark on my journey here on Vashon Island. Been here 44 years and things have been up and down, touch and go at times. In some ways it seems like the whole effort has been a prelude to this. That My Rebecca would come along to accompany me. That the ten acres that we have accumulated is so that there would be a place for Phil’s Camino. And the cancer came along to throw the dramatic monkey wrench in the works and provide the catalyst for the spiritual journey which is the whole point. That Annie would come along to say that us walking in the mud were doing something significant. And thank you Saint James.

And now friends and neighbors are going to gather at the theater to see one of the fruits of this story. Phil’s Camino the film, you are amazing! May you have a long life and mentor and inspire many people.

OK, time to iron that shirt. Love you guys. A whirlwind day is about to begin, Felipe.

14 thoughts on “My Big Day”

  1. Felipe may your day be blessed and inspiring to everyone who comes in support and curiousity of Phil’s Camino tonight. Your story has touched so many lives and will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing it with all of us and for your honesty, grace and wisdom in what you have learned As you continue to walk on your journey.

    1. Rho ~ so good to hear from you. Thanks for your encouraging words. Hope to see you soon. Felipe.x

  2. We are so sad to be missing this night for you. Truly. We are out of town, otherwise we’d be there for certain.

    1. OK Dana ~ looking forward to it. I see on the marque they have me between Thor and Elf. Yea, I’m somewhere in between there! Felipe.x

  3. Got you in mind all day. Seriously. And yes, what a journey it’s been so far. Go figure. In a way, the journey can be seen in toto, as one thing, as a variation of “WNC!” — which isn’t flip or off-hand: WNC makes me think that all moments are important.

    Anyway– you always inspire me to add some range to my thoughts and then sometimes they just power themselves into new territory. Most often they end up, as you do, in making discoveries in territory that’s familiar but not deeply explored.

    Thanks, Buddy. Wish I could be there tonight!

  4. “Dramatic monkey wrench.” Great way to describe those troubles (even huge ones) that get in our way to try to throw us off. You have certainly used your DMR for good!

    1. Joy ~ hi. Thanks for pointing out a new phrase, DMW, we need a glossary. Keep in touch. Praying for you and your husband. Yours, Felipe.x

    1. Cris ~ your spirit was with us last evening. We were buzzing. Thanks for your friendship, Felipe.x

  5. Hola, Amigo!

    I’m writing this “the morning after”, confident that the “hangover” you have from last night is one of joy and gratitude. It would have made just the best Christmas season present ever if I could have been there to see you “starring” in your own home town. That’s a biggy!! So thankful I’ve made this contact with such an admirable dude.
    Advent is coming!


    1. PFJ ~ it was quite a shindig. It was all good all the time. Yes, wish you could have been here but you were in spirit. A big hello to everyone, AAD (An Admirable Dude)

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