It’s Tough To Outquirk…

Just because.
(photo P Volker)

Living here on Vashon Island it is tough to outquirk anyone around here. We got more quirk per square foot than anywhere. It is kind of quiet though and it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. I remember visiting Seattle in the early early seventies before I moved here and being somewhere in the city, maybe near Pike Street Market, and this guy came around the corner walking on his hands and went down the block past me like it’s all the usual. I knew then that I was getting near the epicenter.

Anyway, this all started with Cris, I’ll blame it on her today. She had a recent comment about going across the US-Canadian border with a friend. Cris was traveling visiting her pilgrim friends and they were on their way to British Columbia to meet with another. The story describes the encounter with the agent at the border. The pilgrims were pilgriming along doing pilgrim stuff and then all of a sudden they had to explain themselves to the Man. He wasn’t quite getting it after much explanation on their part. He finally waved them through after figuring out that they were quite harmless I guess.

But it pointed out something to me about how we operate. We the Caminoheads have to remember that we have had brain and heart transplants. No really, and we operate in a different manner than the average pedestrian. I said in an answer to Cris in the Comments that we are a separate subspecies. I know that it all seems quite normal to us but it is not really.

Not that there is anything wrong with this but it is healthy to keep it in mind. Maybe we are a new prototype or a throwback to the before. I don’t know for sure but it is an exciting place to be, is what I am thinking!

Advent Calendar #7:

Evoke one of those moments in your life when you won the respect of intelligent people. Cris CSABC

Those who live of love live forever. Emile Verhaeren

Monday loves, Felipé.

5 thoughts on “It’s Tough To Outquirk…”

  1. When you say that he was walking on his hands, just his hands or hands and feet like a dog? I’d guess,if you mastered how to do it, walking on your hands alone wouldn’t be too good for you as all the blood would pour down into your head.regarding strange methods of motion I was reading about a man who rode around the world on a unicycle and he even had paniers for his tent and whatnot.he’d ridden every continent save Antarctica.

    1. Kevan ~ hey, no just his hands. He was so good at it! I remember a guy doing the Camino on a unicycle. I caught a glimpse of him a couple of times. The bike people have a slightly different route and different pace than the walkers and they really didn’t mix that well. I was trying to picture the unicycle guy in Antarctica. There might be a runway to go up and down a couple of times. Felipé.

  2. Believe it or not there’s actually a maintained ice road from the coast, can’t remember the start point,to the South Pole.i will have to try and get to Spain in 2021 although travel doesn’t look too hopefull yet and I can’t see any real relaxation on it until mid 2021?

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