Good, Bad Or Just Different?

I don’t know about that title. But we move on anyway. So glad about this last week in our country’s history. We followed the pattern of the handing over of power and got it done. Around this Vashon neighborhood there is a certain sense of peace which has descended upon us in spite of the mound of other problems. I think that this has given us some degree of confidence to continue working along.

Well, on the home front our corn seed has arrived. Delicious eating in August starts here. We have the seeds for the three variety succession of Sugar Buns (70-80 days to maturity), Bodacious (80-90 days) and Golden Jubilee (90-105 days). That should do it, hang on taste buds?

The big three!
(photo P Volker)

Looking forward to a good corn crop this year, God willing. Last year’s was so dismal and in keeping with 2020. But this is a new year and new ideas and energy will be pumped in to resuscitate the life of the project. As the light returns to our days so will the energy return to the corn.

Felipé in his lucky shirt.
(photo Henna Volker)

return of energy loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Good, Bad Or Just Different?”

  1. Ohhhh, my mouth is watering!!!

    We should all be thinking that we have a handful of seeds in our hands… the world needs people with a purposeful modest project in hands to look forward to.

    For the love of corn Loves

    1. Cris ~ that’s the spirit! We got five pounds of butter in the freezer. That ought to get us started. Felipé.x

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