Footballed Out

Kelly keeping close supervision over Phil on the Camino.
Kelly keeping close supervision over Phil on the Camino.

Here I am after four games in one weekend. These are the end of the season playoff games. And, and The Seattle Seahawks are one of the four teams still standing, gang. Yea! And we are the best looking team of them all. Yea, take that a lot of ways. We’re just the best!

On the soup front the oxtail is down to the last bowl which we will fight over tomorrow. The split pea/ham hock creation is bubbling away on the gas stove getting ready to be the new soup of the week. I don’t know how something so simple can bring so much joy. It’s really quite amazing.

So, we will be finishing up the split pea soup next weekend while the Green Bay Packers come to our fair city to play the Seahawks to see who gets to go to the Super Bowl, the Big Kahuna of football games. So, who will come out on top the Green Peas or the Seattle Oxtails. Everything goes in the pot right? No holding back for the all out push for the Souper Bowl! All very critical this time of year when the temperatures are low, the tummies are hungry and the minds are weak. Ah, football season, where the veggies meat the road. I love it!

Well, so much for that. Time to move on. Slightly damaged love, Felipe.

One thought on “Footballed Out”

  1. Hi. Esther asked me why I had the phrase, “slightly damaged” to describe myself. It was that I just got done watching four football games that weekend which was about as much TV as I had watched in total since before Spain. It felt to me that I had a brain concussion from watching that much. I’ m good now ( Tuesday, a few days later ). Felipe.

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