Extraordinarily Ordinary

An ordinary blue flower, name unknown.
An ordinary blue flower, name unknown.

Monday morning here which is looking pretty ordinary. Outside the kitchen window the climbing rose’s branches are all dripping from the last shower. Close to the ground fog is thick. But when I look up at a higher angle there is some blue sky in place of the usual ordinary winter overcast. Is that sunshine hitting the top of the fir trees? Maybe not so ordinary after all. Nice.

When Henry was here the other day he was telling me how extraordinarily ordinary I was and my scene was. It took it as a compliment. I could be ordinarily extraordinary just as easy. This all reflects our “walk and talk” conversation which was inspired by a quote in the kitchen from Albert Einstein, “There are only two ways to live your life: one is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Is’t this one of the things that we learned as we walked through Spain’s ordinariness. You would look and see ordinary people, places and things all along. And then the next minute you were struck by the extraordinary beauty of it all. So, beautiful you didn’t know what to do with it, no existing categories. Overwhelmed with the ordinary extraordinary beauty, truth or holiness of things that you cried your eyes out.

Well, I just walked three laps around the backyard Camino, sort of an ordinary place. I filled three of the bird feeders along the way and then said the rosary for the last lap. Praying for my friend David who is having surgery today and for all the other stones on the pile. And the sun disappeared at some point just as mysteriously as it appeared earlier.

But that’s the way it is. As long as you know that the sun could come out we will be OK. It doesn’t even have to be out on us in this particular spot. It always helps to see a sunbreak in the clouds and the rays are pouring down on a hillside five miles from here. Yea, that’s good, it’s their turn and we may be next or maybe tomorrow.

But things are possible in our world is the important thing to remember even in the seemingly most ordinary of times. You could remind me and I could remind you. OK, off to my day. Reminding you loves, Felipe.