Blog Time

Hair on Fire. Thanks Jim and Jen for help on this self portrait.
(photo P Volker)
(photo P Volker)

Our moon is in it’s waxing crescent phase, 4% illumination.

Here it is the middle of the afternoon and finally I have an hour to write to you. It is important to be with you there where you are. So happy with this technology that allows this. Not the twentieth century for us.

we are lucky to have the Zoom going also, right? What did we do without it? Visit people in person I know. But what about those faraway people? Now we don’t have to burn all that jet fuel. I know, I know it is not good for hugs. Yes but they could be working on that!

We have a walk this afternoon and many if the weather holds have a little tapas afterward. Sun on the trail now drying things out.
Bob and Elizabeth walking with us this afternoon. They are coming from out of town to get the Phil’s Camino experience. Oh, I have to get our Camino whiteboard up to date. Show folks where we are. We should cross over into Spain this afternoon!

Geez, such memories of that day with Kelly working our way through miles of history to lodging somewhere. Well, there was Roncesvalles waiting for us to get there. Man, it is fun to remember it and not actually have to do it, you know what I mean?

Well, have to go prepare for dinner. My Rebecca is expecting me to fix one of her favorites, venison heart. Wiley got a nice heavy buck yesterday, Got to brag the kid up, that’s my job.

OK, over the Pyrenees loves, Felipé.