Woah, we got through Fear Week and Ryck’s Guest Post on Friday and here we are with the opening day of deer season and college football on TV. Oh yea and lead class at my Bible Guys today. Geez,slow down Felipé.
One of my Bible Guys Tom was telling us about one of his grandkids, a boy named Ollie, who got diagnosed with cancer recently. Geez, this so sobering. This hits me personally so badly. And not because I know Ollie. Just because.
I use humor to ward off the effects of my Cancer and with other adults to get them to loosen up. But when I comes to children getting Cancer it is another story. I haven’t been around it much and it is something else altogether. Anyway pray for Ollie please.
Right now my iPad is somehow low on battery and it’s lunchtime. Well, tomorrow is our afternoon walk so come by if you can. in the meantime try to brighten someone’s life just because.
later loves, Felipé.
You always brighten my day….passing it on!
Love you,
Hi Carol ~ thank you. Miss you. Hope everything is going well. Hello to Kelly. Oh tell him his Camino shell wound up an decoration on our new wood stove. Felipé.x