0131 And Awake

We are part of history.

You know the main reason why I am writing all this, this four plus years, is the silence of my parents generation.  I am in rebellion.  They lived through numerous events and experiences that they thought would be a good idea to protect us from, my generation from.  It wasn’t like they, bless them, were malevolent or lazy.  It was the case that they in general didn’t have the words to sufficiently deal with it all.  That’s my take.

So, I say that no one learns anything when things aren’t talked about.  Maybe that is not exactly true as  young people are then free to draw conclusions but they may not match the reality of the situation.   At some point on my cancer journey I decided that it was way better talk about it than not.  And that benefit goes out to others and also returns to me.  It’s a two way deal.

Somehow in these 1600 plus blog posts exists a coherent message.  The blog has redundancy and all kind of foibles and shortcomings but it is out there in all it’s “funk and glory”.  It is out there and that’s is the best thing about it.  People with cancer can find things to buoy themselves up with.  People without cancer seem to be able to find things of value.  People with cancer and people without cancer being equal.  I don’t think that I have ever seen that written down before, that just popped out.  Well, we would think and hope that goes without saying but still.

The three C’s are important to us here right?  Cancer, Catholicism and Camino, the last time I checked.  I don’t really tend to talk of Catholicism as much as I should but I lean on it in a big way.  It supplies me with inspiration and connection that I frankly have not been about to find elsewhere.  People from it’s ranks have been immensely helpful to me.  I thank them sincerely.  I may not have written that before but there it is on post 1641.  This “C” could also have been Christianity but I, in the world of Felipe, don’t think that is as accurate given the situation.  This is all very personal.

Cancer in an individual creates a situation that is life changing and that calls for new and more powerful medicine.  Meeting this challenge also takes more than singularity.

And last but not least comes the Camino.   The Camino is the big limb of St James on the tree of God and the 1200 years of pilgrims that went before us late comers form the branches on that limb.  And we are hopeful little twigs on those branches.  And the leaves, flowers and fruit that are displayed on us the twigs in this time are our expressions.  Caminoheads blog is there along with millions of other expressions, wonderful expressions.  Beside being numerous they are varied and all beautifully crafted and well tended.  Can you see it all moving in the breeze?  The breeze is something important too.

twiggy loves, Felipe.





2 thoughts on “0131 And Awake”

  1. Thoughtful and honest…thank you for sharing. I am so glad that my friend, Lori, and I were able to visit and walk with you and your lovely neighbors and to meet your amazing wife in June. Thanks for sharing your heart. We do need to talk about things–especially those things we can’t control or comprehend, or that simply take our breath away!

    Peace to you and all pilgrims,

    1. Thanks Donna ~ thanks for coming in to Caminoheads. We are living the dream here and trying to explain it. And I like your “that simply take your breath away.” Hello to Lori. Felipe.x

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