A Certain Glow



A pic from William.  I hear it is hot in Calgary these days.

Yea, a certain glow, I like that.  Was just writing a reply to a comment and it was that  the blog here has a certain flow and a typo occurred that read, “the blog has a certain glow”.  Yes, why not, I can see that now!

And this morning has a certain glow.  It is a big morning as I am getting my results from my scan that I had yesterday.  Normally that would be anxiety producing but I feel strangely calm, almost as if I am looking down at myself from some peaceful place.

The whole day started when I woke up late and had twenty minutes to get ready to get out the door.  More than enough time for a Pilgrim or Marine, no problem, we know how to do that.

Just got my results from the scan and it is totally stable, no growth, no reduction.   In the old days they used to call this a Mexican standoff.  Everyone has their revolver pointed at someone else in the room and no one is blinking.  All the factors are balanced in a tentative equilibrium.  Almost sort of peaceful til you start thinking about it.

Today I brought my nurses some bunches of little bananas as a treat.  And just as I finished writing about the standoff one of them came sneaking in around the curtain pointing one of the bananas like a revolver.  About jumped out of my comfy chair.  Synchronicity breaking out here, too hilarious!

Later, love, Felipe.








2 thoughts on “A Certain Glow”

  1. Ah Phil, the images for your tumors… sometimes you talk to them, sometimes they are standing each other down, and so many more. So far so good, eh?

    1. Michelle ~ I hope you are not getting worn out in the heat. It is a challenge for us weenies, us Northwesteners. Ah yes, the tumors are interesting little guys. They are most persistent and you can never really count them out even with everything that has been thrown at them. Searching for the tie breaker. Thanks for reading along. Felipe.x

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