(Our moon waxing gibbous, 85% illumination)

(photo W Hayes)
I was there in a dining room with all new people, new to me but they obviously knew each other. It was a little intimidating at first. These people are more educated than I. These people are more wealthy than I. These people know each other and I am new. I wish Rebecca were here I kept thinking.
But they were not only interested in each other but in me. Everyone is equally outrageous but no one can do anything wrong. There is eating and drinking going on but people are mainly intoxicated by each other. There is a lot of spilling going on. People throw all their cloth napkins at the person causing the latest incident and they laugh and laugh.
At a certain point we all get up and load ourselves into various motor cars for a ride. It doesn’t seem to have a purpose but it doesn’t need one. Just being together is enough. This goes on and on and eventually we are back and I wake all giddy.
Geez, what the heck was that? A dream, the longest dream in history. It seemed to last a half hour. Yes, I realized that was a dream and I had that dream. I was so happy with myself.
It reminded me of Gil Pender in Midnight in Paris. He meets all these amazing people. One minute he is with Fitzgerald, the next with Salvador Dali. Hemingway was immensely interested in Gil’s writing. It is Hemingway’s Movable Feast all over again but just for me.
It reminded me of Pilgrim Farmer John and his crowd of buddies too. They know each other and trust each other to have this incredible continual raucous banter going on night and day when they are together.
Everyone is equal and no one is exempt.
It was like the best of tapas when we all are pulling for each other. Here is a Felipé quote, “We were all shades of battered.” There are new and old there, it doesn’t seem to matter how long you knew someone, ten days or ten minutes.
It was the picnic in Viana in the beautiful ruins of a church, the roof long gone. The sky all full of sun and storm. We enjoying each other.
A super lot of my dreams are full of anxiety. I guess they are nightmares but no monsters. I just cannot find the place I am supposed to be. Or I can’t get there in the time allotted. I am always a dollar short and a day late. But here there was no concern over time. Time was totally irrelevant.
The WHOLE idea was to enjoy each other in our quirky individuality. You can’t do ANYTHING wrong when you are genuinely yourself. It seems to go on forever, TIMELESS. A vision of heaven?
full of sun and storm loves, Felipé.
You had me at HEMINGWAY!!
Ryck ~ I know we are both big on Hemingway and the Midnight in Paris flick! Yea! Felipé.
What a beautiful, yummy story to begin my morning.
Ok, we gotta get together soon and throw some napkins.
Dana ~ what a total feel good deal, start to finish. The napkin thing was totally hilarious. I am so proud of myself! Like I had anything to do with it. Felipé.x
Dreams compact time and what seems like hours is only minutes but they can also extend time too.Einstein believed that time was the same as space hence space/time and not a thing in itself but somehow related to the position of the observer.speaking of the Moon which I’ve just been glancing at through my tiny 5×10 Zeiss mini quick monocular most people know that Neil Armstrong was was the first man on the Moon in 1969 but how many know the man of the last man to stride across the lunar regolith in 1972? Eugene Cernan.
Kevan ~ time, yes. I was very unaware of time in this dream as opposed to my usual anxious nightmares. What a relief! And you are seeing the moon, great. It has been cloudy for weeks here. Thanks for the moon facts. Felipé.
Ahhhh Phil I had to share “we are ALL shades of battered.”
Thank you for sharing your dream
Bonnie ~ hi to you miles away. I am living on that dream. The best to you, Felipé.x
Oh, Phil, I LOVE this dream! So wonderful. I will think about it all day even though it is not “my” dream!
Love and hugs to you and Rebecca.
Debra ~ I know best dream ever, right!?! I think about it often. Have you seen Midnight in Paris? If not you must. I was Gil Pender in that film. I’m pretty sure that the whole thing was a vision of heaven. Keep in touch, Felipé.x