Violet-Green Swallows

Esther of the Camino and My Rebecca at Easter Dinner.
Esther of the Camino and My Rebecca at Easter Dinner.

Hey, have to make sure that we have the species right on the swallows that returned to Phil’s Camino recently. Got this directly from Steve the bird guy so I know we got this one nailed.

Off to the hospital today to have my big treatment. Have to figure out how to have fun with it, that’s my mission. Starting out with my ritual chicken broth, always good. I’m next in line for my blood work. OK, got that. Jeanie was my nurse and we always have fun talking Catholic.

Now a half hour wait and off to see Dr Gold. We nicknamed him Nugget because he is a Gold Nugget in all ways, all the time. He and his team keep me alive. Do I need to say more?

Yup, checked in with Alice, Nugget’s head nurse and my oldest friend here at the hospital. We started joking the first time we met, fabulous people person. She is getting a new assistant so she can spend more quality time with campers (patients).

Just saw Suzanne, long time nurse and total angel. She works all day taking care of us and the spends her evenings working on brinng Ladybug House to reality. LH will be a hospice facility for children with cancer serving the Northwest. I wish I had a free million dollars to give her.

Oh, I need to go work on the jigsaw puzzle. There is always one going and I try to do at least one piece. It is the best place in the waiting room to start a conversation with another camper.

And here I am in the comfy chair getting my chemo chemicals. Already had conversations with Anika, David, Annie and Kim. These are all nurses here and depending on how long they have been here with me over the months we will have different sorts of conversations. Anika and I talk about wine although she said she hardly drinks wine but somehow we got started on this thread a while ago. David is fresh back from q trip to Eastern Europe so there is plenty to talk about there. Annie and Kim, I’ve only been working with a short time but we are searching for common ground.

Now the activity has slowed down and I have time to write a little more. I’ve been working on a little project involving having cancer. I’m really tired of the word patient. It is a category, a sentence, a mind space. I am rubbing against the limitations of this term. Instead of cancer patient I have come up with cancer camper and cancer commando. Esther came up with cancer pilgrim. Yea, we are working on stuff here at Caminoheads.

Well, I might take a nap, conserve my energy. Maybe get out and take a walk where you are and check on spring. Alperfect, love you, Felipe.

4 thoughts on “Violet-Green Swallows”

  1. Attitude is everything ol’ Felipe, and yours is a gold mine. If you were a movie, I’d pay to go see you. Days getting long here as the ground dries up enough to get some spring field work and fertilization done. Typically like to be getting the corn in the ground in the third week of April. Our second daughter, Kelley (also a former Marine) has her birthday on April 16. If I can start planting on that date, it always makes me feel good about the crop.

    Semper Fi,

    1. Juan ~ thanks for the great comment. Without comments the blog is kind of crying in the wilderness so I always appreciate incoming immensely. And Semper Fi to Kelley. I got my corn ground all tilled and waiting for it to get a little warmer. And funny you should talk about a movie because there just happens to be a short documentary called Phil’s Camino being made and is being edited as we speak. Check out for details and trailers. Yea, all very heady. So, damn the torpedoes, full attitude ahead! Thanks man, Felipe.

  2. Hola Felipe!

    Marine to Marine, it’s put up or shut up, right? I’m putting up. Donation order winging (or however those bytes transport hither and yon immediately) its way to the good looking movie maker you Shanghaied into making you into a movie. I’ve been wanting to get the “Six Ways to Santiago” anyway, so it worked out double fine.


    1. Juan ~ thanking you so much dude! I feel we are striking a chord with each other. And aren’t we all being Shanghaied here somehow?!? Fasten your seat belt bro. Gracias, Felipe.

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