Two Homilies In One Day

Our Jennifer's cat Olivia, catnapping.
Our Jennifer’s cat Olivia, catnapping.

Catherine picked me up for Mass this morning in her new truck. Father Marc had a great homily about faith, about believing in things unseen. He was talking about the idea that no matter what the topic of his homilies that they were all really about faith. That is because a lot of times he is totally at a loss for an idea for what he going to talk about and he has to have faith that it will come together for him. And wiz bang it always seems to come together no matter how rough the start. Kind of like this blog; I can relate.

Then after that I accompanied Our Jennifer to the local Episcopal church to check that out. Carla Pryne the Priest there had a great homily about Advent. About things great and small that make up human history and it’s relationship to the ongoing revelations of God. And this history is largely filled with people like John the Baptist or Carla’s Bulgarian aunt, who she described in detail, who have there special places in human history without being the big power players. People whose God’s light shines through.

And Father Marc went on with other examples of how others went forward with projects based largely on faith. The faith ingredient seems vital really when I think about it. So much of what we do hinges on some components that are unformed or not totally understood.

And Carla meanwhile described a recipe that she tried to put down on paper from her aunt’s description of how to make this apple dessert. Hilarious as it had no real measurements. Real people just get things done day after day without major fuss.

Well, OK, My Rebecca is pressing me so she can “talk” with our grandson and she needs this iPad for FaceTime. So, this post is a little half baked but I have to go to keep the family peace. Alperfect here on the second Sunday in Advent. Love you, Felipe.