Turn It Up

One of the first of the sunflowers!  This is for you guys down under, to warm you up.
One of the first of the sunflowers! This is for you guys down under, to warm you up.

You have to read Pilgrim Farm John’s comment on yesterday’s post to understand what I am thinking about today.  It is about the suicide of a childhood friend of his.  So crazy sad this kind of stuff.  I feel for John and his family.

But if you read his comment you will see that we here at Caminoheads were a part of the healing process for this hurt.  John took a step to fill a gap at the memorial service.  He and one of his daughters took a step that maybe seemed small to them at the time to honor the memory of their friend and neighbor.  And John said that he was thinking about and inspired by our blog post, “Cancer Commando’s First Mission”.  This is where we were talking about making seemingly small insignificant actions to better the world.

I heard this part of the lyrics from a Van Morrison song today that was, “Turn It Up”.   That’s what I’m thinking as I blog here, let’s turn it up!  We need to turn it up a notch and see what happens.  In this crazy world where we have to contend with crazy stuff like suicide why can’t we start doing some crazy stuff, crazy good stuff.  I’m calling for turning it up gang!  What do you think?  There is a saint of small things, small miracles.  Isn’t she always carrying roses.  Seemingly small loves, Felipe.

6 thoughts on “Turn It Up”

  1. Repacking the backpack one last time before I head to Madrid, get the ‘gang’ together and start walking on Monday from Leon! So excited to return and finally complete my first Camino. Next year I’m thinking of the Portuguese….We are definitely going to be louder than any Italians we meet – my niece and her daughter will see to that with Kelly and me coaching. Another friend, an African American historian, quite loud herself, will join us in Leon and add another whole dimension to Ponferrada and Samos AND we may have a surprise fellow pilgrim for you at about the half-way point. Stay tuned, Felipe.

    My special intentions this year are more numerous and far more personal. Last year, I only wanted to show my gratitude for the incredible life and family and wonderful careers I’ve had plus the request to save my dear friend who was battling the nastiest form of breast cancer and not expected to survive. She has recovered beautifully now and is healthier than ever.

    But this year, I have so many more people to pray for: my young and vibrant daughter-in-law suffered a stroke a month ago and their lovely family are struggling to deal with their changed lives; my eldest sister has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and we are trying to find the best way to help her; one of my dearest friends has just lost his beloved father and so, so many others…

    Today is my 69th birthday and I rented a car and went to visit both my older sisters and we had such a lovely time together, laughing about our childhood experiences and complimenting each other on how young and beautiful we still look. Haha.

    But, Dear Phil, it is your example that I most often invoke and you are so right that it’s those small gestures that can create big changes, like a huge ripple that results from a pebble tossed into the lake. You (and we) are probably not even fully aware of the effects our Small Things – I know I’m sometimes surprised to get a message from a long forgotten student who says something like, ‘your class changed my life, my goals,’ to which I reply, ‘who, ME?’.

    I watched a movie on the plane coming back from Shanghai last Monday and my take-away from it is something you yourself might have said, ‘Have courage and be kind!’ May we all do both.

    Mary Margaret

  2. Our Mary Margaret ~ A extremely exuberant “louder than the Italians” Happy Birthday to you dear one. God speed on your pilgrimage. Maybe I’ll catch the next one with you. And I can’t wait for the suprise half way pilgrim. And take good care of Kelly. Remember to review with him the five things he needs to do each evening before tapas. OK, remember to send stuff for our faithful readers. Love you, Felipe.

  3. God knows no degree: there is no small or large to God, so all these ‘small’ acts of kindness resonate fully with the One who made us 🙂 I love your words, Phil, as you probably know! Whenever we are together, or even on the phone, I’m always asking for more – more Story Time, ha ha! Yes, let’s turn it up! I will have to get back to you on exactly what, but I am on the lookout now! Love ya, Felipe, and Big Birthday Wishes to Mary Margaret (I almost called her ‘our’ Mary Margaret! Is she mine, too? Probably, ha ha!)

    1. Yes, turn it up! I have no idea what but a need will arise and we will jump in to fill it. Yes and MM would be honored to be Your MM. I’ll take this opportunity to speak for her. This is Caminoheads and we are in the flow of pilgrims. We are looking for the same thing, going to the same place. Alperfect, Felipe.

      1. We can’t help ourselves! I think of you and PFJ with your corn every time I go out to see my tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, herbs, and carrots. The dukes and carrots have gotten were from seeds and their plot got dug up by stray cats. But I haven’t given up yet! Anyway, we are all One, just wearing different clothing 😉

        1. I keep forgetting that we can’t help ourselves! Sort of Caminohead automatic pilot situation.

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