Trial Run

The corn June 1st.
(photo P Volker)

Jim, of Jim and Jen, drove me into the Institute today to do my “first” radiation treatment. We got there on time despite some stretches of bad traffic and ferries not on time. That was our personal trial run. But the radiology guys were having their own trial run on my treatment for quality control. This means that the “first” treatment had no radiation but was all setup and calibration. So that is all checked out by the overseeing doc and then tomorrow we should be good to go.

That is the progress report for today. It seems sort of a waste of time all this trial run stuff but how can I argue with quality control. So, we will be back in tomorrow morning for the real thing.

This evening is wrestling matches at Vashon High School. Wiley’s Middle School wrestlers have some matches along with those. We are proud of him taking on Head Coaching duties for the Middle Schoolers. So we will be there to watch and cheer on our kids. Interestingly because of Covid they will be set up outside in the football stadium. A warm summer evening with outdoor wrestling. Oh boy!

prepping for tomorrow loves, Felipé.

3 thoughts on “Trial Run”

  1. Awwww I wish so much I could be there… I imagine a tapas picnic to compensate the energy expenditure of watching the middle schoolers exercise!

    Is it me or am I missing the tapas table so much that I see an opportunity to set up one anywhere???!!!

    Love you and how you run the trial ❤️

  2. I love the Oh Boy theme! Pollyanna that I am, it suits me to say that in my head with every joy I encounter. In fact, last evening 6 of us close friends from our church choir got together for dinner at an Italian restaurant *indoors* for the first time in 15 months and as we laughed and caught up and even dared to sing Happy Birthday to one guy, I couldn’t stop hearing Your Rebecca’s voice saying, ‘Oh Boy!’ It somehow covers even more territory than Alperfect, don’t you think? I know you’ve got some hurdles to get over now but when that upstart tumor has been thoroughly zapped, then we can all say a very loud ‘Oh Boy!’ and get on with nurturing our own personal corn fields.
    Felipe, on a more serious note, I also want to say how much I appreciate your frankness in sharing both the good news and the bad with us. We are really all just walking each other Home and we all face some uphills and downhills as well as the flat mesetas – not original, I borrowed that from the priest in the English language side chapel in Cathedral Santiago.
    Oh Boy! loves,
    Mary Margaret

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