The Perfect Crossroad Dilemma

Catherine y Dana's Heart Carrot, the perfect "y" in the trail.
Catherine y Dana’s Heart Carrot, the perfect “y” in the trail.

It’s a bright morning, haven’t looked at the weather forecast. Wiley rolling down the driveway to work. Maybe even tiny patches of blue sky overheard.

I have no idea what I am going to write about today, things could go in a couple of directions. But they are going for sure, and all good, well mostly. Things are swelling up like a spring bud for the Austin Adventure coming up, the premier of Phil’s Freakin Camino. I even hear through the Camino grapevine that President Obama and the First Lady will be in the neighborhood. They know a good thing. So, we will keep you posted with up to date reporting on the AA.

On Sunday afternoon, on my way home from the retreat, I was driving down the road with an intersection coming up. Just before the intersection was a sign pounded in the shoulder of the road informing everyone of an important bit of info or maybe two bits. There was the word “WINE”, and check this out, on the same sign was an arrow pointing left and an arrow pointing right. It was like the classic Camino deal where you can’t possibly go wrong, there will be something of value either way. The perfect crossroad dilemma!

Fortunately I drove on. It was way too early in the day for that. And I had been up two nights participating in various snoring contests to be in my right mind so I went straight but I was intrigued. Road trips are fun especially on Blue Highways (smaller than red highways which are smaller than the Interstates).

OK, I need to get my day off started. Thursday I am in between hospital visits. I’ll up at Our Jennifer’s pushing the bathroom project further down the road mostly. And walking at 0900 beforehand.

Well, good luck with your projects today. OK, let’s review, you guys are all peaches, love, Felipe.