The Five Leaf Clover

Felipe smelling the roses along the trail in Spain.
Padre Tomas sporting his Camino headgear.


Yea, just when you thought you have seen everything Wiley finds a five leaf clover.  Yea, and he gives it to me, I’m a lucky dad, a really lucky dad.  And don’t let me forget I am pressing it in the Georgia O’Keefe book on page 84.  So, yesterday something really lucky happened at the hospital, although it took me a while to grasp it, it happened so organically.

It just seemed like I was there at the hospital and I was back again.  Where did my two weeks go?  Time flies right?  Anyway, that time and this time I remember saying to my Doc, “I am trying really hard to come up with something to complain about.”  Which I was.  So maybe that influenced him to move my regularly scheduled scans from every three months to every four months now.  Yea, the medical team seems to be more relaxed about my situation with a move like that.  When I first started this round of chemo way back when he ordered a scan every two months, so it has gone from two to three to four now.  That is the lucky news!

Also, this was my 95th chemo treatment.  I am dropping big hints that a party of some type would be completely appropriate for the century mark.  I want to at least get a cupcake out of this deal being such a frequent flyer and all.

OK, enough of that medical stuff.  Here is another installment from the unity speech.  This is from Father Tom in CA.  He is great at being present to me and talking me up, buoying me up, as we say around here.  So this is what I read at the talk:


I thought of you so often during the Holy Week Triduum.  More than anyone I know, YOU epitomize the mystery and of the Resurrection, the Central Mystery of our Christian faith.  And, what is that mystery?  It’s simply this:  The finest day of your life is the one not yet lived.

Easter Blessings and Love,

Padre Tomas”

Well, that is quite a letter and at first reading thought that it was incredibly off topic since I had asked him about the topic of unity.  But on contemplating it I realized that it was all about hope and unity might not be possible without hope.  It is an important precursor.

OK, have to go walk and then later I am rotor tilling the corn patch, an exciting Spring activity.   Take care and love, Felipe.









2 thoughts on “The Five Leaf Clover”

  1. So glad you dropped the hint about the century mark. I’ll need to be sure to be your chariot driver that day. Maybe some teriyaki will be in the works? Hmmm.

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