The Broken Left Rear Taillight

The wisteria that crawls up the side of our house is blooming.
(photo P Volker)

This last year My Rebecca bought a new used car. It had belonged to Jessika (Secret Agent), a 2004 Ford Taurus. This beauty, nicknamed Sheba, came with all sorts of extras including a broken left rear taillight. I realize that is redundant, “rear taillight” but it didn’t sound right any other way.

So a couple of mornings ago I had a strange dream. That is kind of redundant also, “strange dream”. But everyone in the world had a particular job to do. And that was to safeguard a particular car part and memorize it’s part number to keep it safe against a world wide system’s breakdown. We were the keepers of this knowledge, all of us, each one of us. And guess what, I was the left rear taillight for a 2004 Ford Taurus. Right now I don’t know the number, my bad but we were all members of a plan each with a certain equality and importance.

so there loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “The Broken Left Rear Taillight”

  1. Wow! What a profound dream…being responsible for being part of the whole, fitting in to the universal puzzle!


    Just as an aside…I also inherited the broken tail light…I looked at getting a new one but it was astronomical…and the junk yards I called didn’t have one…what was up with that?

    1. Jessika ~ There was a similar idea in Fahrenheit 451 where people were supposed to memorize a book to keep it alive. Felipé.x PS – SAL’s Quality Used Cars!!

      1. Of course! Fahrenheit 451! I’m trying to think what book I’d memorize. Hmmm.
        I like the SAL’s Quality Used Cars idea, 2 down, a mil to go!

        1. Jessika ~ I’m memorizing Animal Farm. That was the shortest book on the old OK book list in school. Everyone had read it. Somehow I don’t think I did til later though. Felipé.x

  2. I was caught not so much by the dream, which was profound though, but by the mention of a Ford Taurus!

    I inherited a 1993 blue Taurus from my mom when she died in 1998. I drove it and then our daughter Kristin drove it to high school. My brother took it over for his two sons for whom it became a high school and college car. Then with COVID, our daughter Kristin and her husband ended up staying in Billings this year and needed an extra car–the Taurus was available. It’s a legend in our family. Now it is back at our house. Tail lights OK but a broken parking light.

    1. Susan ~ great story! We are only in our first year of the Taurus. Felipé.x

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