The Best Idea Of 2015

It’s true, yes, I am announcing this with the year barely started. Every once in a while something extraordinary happens and you have to go with it; you have to say yes this is obviously the big one. And although we have a sight bit of confusion as to whose fault, ah, idea it was, the event occurred. Well, both Quick Rick and our beloved Kelly have taken credit for thinking up the concept of a potluck tapas party. But whatever, it happened and was a thing of beauty.

Maybe we will come up with some pics, don’t know we were in the moment. I think we had fourteen participants and some folks made more than one thing. And most of the offerings were recipes that we all enjoyed for the first time. Exemptional event and my words are not doing it justice. But a highly recommended activity for Caminoheads everywhere, none the less.

And early on Sunday, with less fanfare, a man named John came to walk with me and who is going to Spain in August. We fired each other up as we Caminoheads tend to do. Lovely man. He gave me a rosary that he made. It is one made with all knots, no beads, I call them fisherman’s rosaries. Very beautiful but too new and clean. It will reach it’s true beauty with use and the patina that brings. Thanks John. I gave him The shell that both Annie and I carried across. Alperfect.

“Heat Wave” playing! Yea, that’s it gang! Love you, Felipe!