(photo P Volker)
Back from Mass with Catherine and it’s late morning of a beautiful day. Cold clear air moving in to the vicinity. Blogging now after a coffee klatch with Catherine, we’re trying to catch up. She and Dana may be over this afternoon to walk. Yea, and Wiley and I have two trees to plant and two to prune before that. My day fills up.
But to the blog. My dear Sister Joyce, my spiritual director for years, called yesterday from Iowa. It was so great to hear her voice even over our funky cell phone connection. And she is coming to Seattle in May or June. I told her to bring some corn mojo from Iowa as that is when we will be planting and praying ours up.
Plans are being made for the Veranda gathering. Let me repeat the dates, that’s August 21st through the 24th. That is a Friday through Monday situation. We had such a good time last year that everyone said hey, let’s do it again. This is keeping the Camino alive at it’s best.
So, put it on your calendar and work toward being here with us.
I think that I am going to take off and get things started around here.
Oh, and Steve-O our CNWBC will be rolling in today. Never a dull moment for Raven Ranch.
thanks loves, Felipé.