Stuff Happening



A visiting friend took this on the way home last night when he took the ferry.  Thanks Bob.
A visiting friend took this on the way home last night when he took the ferry. Thanks Bob.

We know by now the feeling that we are on the right track when things around us turn synchronistic.  It ‘s the Camino feeling that we are in the groove with the flow of the universe, that everything is moving in the same direction and at the same speed and everything has a kinship.   Things are all on the same page, including us.  We know what that feels like,  not that we are always there by any means but we know what that is.

So getting that far is significant.   And it is not something that we can take credit for, like it is an accomplishment.  Maybe we can take credit for being open, being outside ourselves, being willing to learn.   But I’m just saying that it is something that we are gifted, more or less.  We are sort of privileged to see.

So, I am identifying something else now that I would like to try and describe.  It is to me a Camino/Cancer/Catholic happening.   In my world it is showing up in all places, not often but I am just realizing that it is universal in my world.   I first noticed it in the Camino area, then in the Catholic area and now yesterday in the Cancer area.  It is something basic, something that operates below the point at where those things separate.

The basic concept as I see it is that I am this guy walking around in the mud who at some point starts doing something significant.  What is the difference there?  I always seem to start in the trenches but with enough time, effort and looking come across something that is significant but really just there for the finding.   But somehow on my own I can’t put it in perspective.  I need someone with a broader knowledge to tell me, hey, that thing that you just found, that’s something.

Maybe it is just how things work in the universe, hey?  It has less to do with me and you and more to do with things as they are.  We can’t take credit for that.  We are just privileged to see it.

So, after I had gotten Phil’s Camino, the trail here on Vashon Island, up and running and I was walking “across Spain” and trying to have that experience who should show up but Annie O’Neil. And what does she say but “This really looks familiar.”  “Aren’t I writing a book on this very thing?”  And our ensuing conversation opens up to me that, yes this is something, something significant.

And Catalina Barush, the art historian, comes along and hears about how I am walking in the mud and trying to have an experience and says this is something that people have been doing for a long time.  People build small replicas of situations or places to have the experience of the real time and place.  In other words, you have something.

So those are two examples from the Camino sector.  And sister Joyce my spiritual advisor will do this in the Catholic realm.  I will come across some “muddy idea” and she will clarify it for me and say yes that is something.  Somehow it is almost like I have to learn it the hard way.  I have to find that nugget by panning for it.

And yesterday this same thing started happening with Dr Zucker, my psychologist.  Well, maybe I was just starting to realize it and maybe it has been going on for a while.  But some how my observations from the mud about Cancer were having  a great conversation with his knowledge on the subject.  In other words I was starting to find interesting things that seemed useful to him.  Stuff that I was exploring on this topic stimulated our conversation, brought maybe new ways to look at the same stuff.  I don’t know exactly what was going on but we were having a good time.

What I am trying to describe is perhaps synchronizity.  Somehow all these examples are  instances where we arrived at the same place at the same time but from different angles.  And it seems exciting when that happens.

Thanks for bearing with me on this.  Long and involved but perhaps important.  As always, love, Felipe.x.