Steamed Up

Corn closeup
(photo P Volker)

It’s been raining all day except for now a couple of hours before dark. The sun is roaring and hitting the house and steam is rising off us in wispy clouds, Northwest beauty. And the corn has been well watered.

I am trying to rest up for city travels tomorrow. Back to the Institute for more radiation. Monday and Tuesday I am walking off the ferry to be picked up by Jeannie and Tonjé who will drive me in the city. So a little different drill.

I’m watching hockey playoffs and a player for Las Vegas just scored three goals in the game which is the holy grail. It’s called a hat trick and fans in the stands shower the ice with all their hats, hundreds of them. What a sight! Just a crazy hockey ritual.

hat trick loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Steamed Up”

  1. Funny about Buba in Seattle as I encountered a nurse from Ghana in hospital in Newcastle when I was having a lymph node removed but not called Buba! I think based on TV shows Buba or bubba means’ friend’ when used in the USA? it’s mainly used in the south east of the country places like Mississippi, Alabama and whatnot.i’ll ask my friend from Maryland if they say it had a keen sayer of bubba on the west coast.Inspector Nash Bridges of the San Francisco Police played by Don Johnstone or was it Johnson?he’d say it constantly maybe he was a southerner who’d moved there but he didn’t have a southern accent.

    1. Kevan ~ I’ve met so many folks from foreign lands at the Institute. Felipé.

  2. I had a dream about your cornfield the other night. It was actually about the chicory coffee can. Anywho, it’s nice to see your corn sprouting. It’s adorable.

    1. Barbara ~ thanks! Oh, so lovely that you had a dream about Raven Ranch. I remember you commenting on the coffee can on the stake at the corn. Talking about dreaming makes for more dreams and that’s for innocent bystanders too. Thanks for checking in with us. Felipé.x

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