Soaking It In

We just had tapas and dinner outside on the deck and I am enjoying the evening here with the twilight and the noise of various songbirds.   Of course wine is a factor.   The air is full of sweetness as all the plants are celebrating.  I find myself lately asking myself in any giving situation what is the most beautiful thing around and let me stare at it as long as possible to soak it in completely. It could be the color of the wine.  It could be a particular row of trees.  It could be the pretty lady.  Right now as I sit here I spy a patch of blue iris flowers that are particularly attractive.  Ah, Chris took a pic of them on Friday and I could get that for you.

Japanese iris I think.
Japanese iris, I think.

And the air is cooling down and I feel it on my cheek.  I just finished off the wine, a rose from Portugal.  A friend of My Rebecca’s and mine, her name is Deb, sent a little essay, more like a sketch of important facets of her life.  Like a short quick auto biography.  It was interesting and got us thinking that we should try the same thing.  A lot of it was gratitude and of course some regrets.

Actually My Rebecca lost sleep over it last night thinking what kind of thing she would write for herself.   I’m hung up on one thing and that is that I have never drawn an angel.  On my bucket list of art projects is one that has to do with angels and just realizing that I have not even a start on it is a little disconcerting.  Hmm.  Well, maybe it is healthy to have things to look forward to in the future, even impossible things.  I remember our ninety year old neighbor who loved gardening buying a brand new rototiller.  Big plans for the future are good.

Thinking of you there where you are.  Wondering what the most beautiful thing in your view is?   Don’t forget to soak some in, love, Felipe.