Snow Flurries?

(photo P Volker)

Hey, now wait a minute, snow flurries, this wasn’t in my vision of Springtime. I was thinking more along the lines of blossoms and tweety birds. Well, maybe it is over.

I have some walkers coming tomorrow to do the trail. Someone that talked to me on a Zoom and friends. Great! It appears that things are loosening up with people being more confident about getting out and about. This last year has been pretty darn quiet around here and one begins to wonder if things will ever recover. But Spring brings hope.

Have a scan tomorrow daytime and then a Zoom in the evening. Big day! The scan is pretty easy really, it is just a matter of getting there and back. The Zoom I need to work on. It is more of a talk than the usual QandA so it takes a little prep. It is with a Catholic group down in Southern California associated with the Marauders. Remember the Marauders? They were some visitors that we had years ago that came just to be here with us for three days. There were six or seven of them and they rented a rustic beach cabin here in the Island. It was way fun.

So, time to go and gear up for the Monday morning walk. The snow has stopped and it really didn’t stick anywhere that I can see. OK, let’s get this week going.

Marauder loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “Snow Flurries?”

  1. ¡Hola Felipe! One of the Marauders here…looking forward to our meeting tomorrow night. Remember Damien High School in Southern California where you spoke soon after getting invaded by the Marauders? Classes have been on Zoom pretty much for a year now and they are doing a virtual Camino de Santiago with about 80 students, parents and teachers. They use The Conqueror website to log their walking, running, biking or other exercises to tick off the 800 kms towards Santiaago on the virtual map. Most everyone will be done by end of Easter break. They hope to have a few more activities such as a tapas style dinner, movie like Phil’s Camino, rosary and mass. If the virus permits it’ll be en persona, if not…the dreaded Zoom!
    All the best amigo…hasta mañana,

    1. Diego ~ hi and thanks for the update on Damien and the Camino. We are making do one way or another. The Oasis Party up here is August 20-23. Miss your smiling face! Felipé.

  2. Hola, Felipe!

    I tried to send you a pic of our “snow flurries” but it wouldn’t take here in the comments. You can see it on my FB Msg to you. I’ve been an infrequent visitor here on the comments section as my laptop has come down with some kind of tech virus, though probably not ass infectious as Covid. And for some reason, though I can read your blog on my phone, I can’t do the comments there, it defaults to some bizarre page that belongs to an alternate universe, as far as I can tell anyway. St Patrick’s Day will soon be upon us and we’re celebrating by “flying the Coop” to southern environs, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona as destinations, hiking and bird watching as missions to be accomplished. We’ll stay in touch!


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