Slingshot Into Holy Week

Palm Sunday icon.


Father David put on a heck of a Mass this AM.  Catherine and I were there for the Blue Collar Mass at 0800.  This is Palm Sunday celebrating when Jesus entered Jerusalem and shot us ahead into the middle of the mystery of Holy Week.

So, we had our first Sunday tailgate party today in the parking lot of the supermarket.  We wrote a card for Sister Joyce and talked with passerbys.  This is one of the things that we do best.  It was not exactly warm out but we made it happen.

We made this elaborate plan to pilgrimage to church on Good Friday.  It sounds like the perfect day to do it but I forgot that I have to be in treatment that day.  Maybe we could hike on Thursday instead.  OK, off to plan B.

I just by mistake started playing the Camino Podcasts on my pad here.  This particular one is an hour on El Cid and Roland two famous historic characters associated with the Camino.  That sounds really interesting although I don’t have time to sit still for an hour.  Annie and I did a podcast for Camino Podcasts back a few years ago.  Think that it was something like number 2 or 3.  Yea, check that out sometime.  It is called Phil’s Camino maybe or something similar.  I will try and listen to one of those on my next treatment day at the hospital when I am confined to the comfy chair.

Yea, Holy Week, happening right now.  We will talk more about it as the days unfold.  Once again thanks for being with us.  Alperfect once again, love and stuff, Felipe.