
The Casa at Phil's Camino.
The Casa at Phil’s Camino.

Shhhhhhhh… That’s what the light rain sounded like in dark early this AM. I have been getting up earlier and earlier and now there is the darn time change so I’m all screwed up. But I was standing in the dark at the open window listening to the soft rain and thinking of the dust bowl story we were talking about yesterday. Didn’t rain for seven years and the boy had to explain to his younger siblings what rain was as they had never seen it. Wow.

So, Mass went well this morning and then Catherine and I tailgated at the supermarket parking lot with coffee and doughnuts. It was an actually sunny morning and perfect weather for tailgating with my buddy. Then Steve-O is going to show up in a minute for an over night visit. And we have walk and tapas at 1530. This is the kind of busy I want to be.

So, prayers for Lisa and Caton in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Lisa is bringing her high school aged son Caton home for hospice. Cancer again. Annie and I met Lisa last month when we were at the festival there, lovely lady.

Well, today we start our afternoon walks at 3:30. And that will go through the winter. So, we have more walks through thick and thin this rainy season. Just slip on your Bean boots and join us. We’re pretty fun, love you, Felipe.