Right Now

Yes, Phil's Camino.
Yes, Phil’s Camino.


No matter how hard I try and be here at the Ranch on the Island my thoughts are drawn away.  There is a sucking vortex that is Phil’s Camino the Movie and it is not here, it is somewhere else.  My thoughts are either about planning to travel for an upcoming event in another place or about what can I do here to get things off my list so I will be ready to be somewhere else.   I need to get used to this new dynamic and get a grip on it’s ways.

And speaking of somewhere else, Annie has announced that we are in the Dubuque Festival.  Woo hoo!  Been pushing this because I wanted to make sure that we touched the Heartland.   I want the movie to be dusted with some good old Iowa corn pollen, I know it’s the wrong season, symbolically, symbolically.  Pigrim Farmer John we are coming baby!   That’s  April 21-24th, so put that on the calendar, just around the corner.

Right now the film is at the festival in Sarasota, Florida.  I wish I could make all the festivals but it is not possible.  Doing one a month seems like a reasonable goal for me, for my situation.  So stay tuned as we will announce news about the festivals as it comes up.

One of the things that I see myself becoming involved with is fund raising.  This is not my forte but hey, it needs happening.  And it needs happening right now.  Fortunately or unfortunately I am learning about this whole world of documentary film making as I go along.  And one thing that is apparent right now is that we need more funds to carry this process forward.  Yes, the movie itself is finished, physically finished, but that is not the end of the story.  Getting the movie out to the public is next, is now.  And that is this process of attending these festivals through the season.

Just getting accepted at these festivals is a major honor.  The news that South by Southwest in Austin accepted us, for example, didn’t mean much to me until I heard that we were one of 12 out of 800 short documentaries that they looked at.   That woke me up to the fact that we are blessed, how else can I put it.

Promoting is what the task is now, to get the film out.  It is worthless unless it gets out to the people that can use it.  And that is what these festivals are all about.  This is where folks that know about film and deal in film gather to network.  And we need to be at as many as possible to meet with these folks.  Annie is dedicated to making this happen as much as our treasury will allow.  That means she is going to many and that means that I need to go to as many as possible.

So, our pitch to you, to all possible donors, is do you want to become part of Phil’s Camino?  Do you want to help get this message of healing and hope out to those that need it?  This is how you can help by donating and of course by praying.  So, just warning you, I’ll be on all you’ll’s case!  Love,  Felipe.





4 thoughts on “Right Now”

  1. Just one note: I think I know what you mean but I do want to say that making this film, even if it were to be swallowed up and never seen again has not been worthless. There is worth in every step we’ve taken so far and there is a greater power that is looking over Phil’s Camino. We have nothing to worry about, no matter how things appear. I know that it is just getting started along its way, a Camino of blessings to many people over many years. :). All is truly well. <3

    1. Thank you Annie, all is truly well. Yes, of course, we are on the same page. I guess what I meant was that the film as communication would be worthless if it didn’t get out to who needs it. We have had a kick ass time with it all during the last two plus years, absolutely. Wouldn’t change a thing, right? Well, maybe a few less blisters! Love you immensely, Felipe.

  2. Phil:

    I agree with Annie. So, much good has come out of the making of Phil’s Camino already. So, it has not been worthless, even if it never gets anywhere else. The people who have connected because of YOU & Phil’s Camino have been blessed immeasurably. I am so happy if nothing else ever happens, (although I would be very sad if we all do not get to meet up again) because of the quality people who have come into my life and touched me in so many ways, who have caused me to ponder great things, pushed me in my thinking, etc. and whom I have added to my treasure box of friends.

    Phil’s Camino is a worthy cause to pursue and promote. I hope all get to see it, because words are not enough. It evokes emotions that sometimes defy description.

    You wrote so much in your blog this time and that is unlike you, so I know you are quite moved and motivated about this. I feel as you do, although I have felt this ever since I returned home last year from my Camino. It is hard to keep my thoughts here. It’s as if we were privileged to see things from another perspective that few get too. We know that there is this other way of thinking and living that is “freedom”. I know my Camino family knows what I mean and it is hard to live among others who don’t understand this.

    I am thinking of you and Annie and all connected with Phil’s Camino. Sending my very best positive thoughts for all great things yet to come.

    1. Wow Carol, big big comment, thanks. Man and haven’t we had fun so far? More to come, right? OK, so I guess I need to talk about my notion that the film would be worthless if we couldn’t get it out to the audience. Yea, that sounds right, worthless as a film. My eyes are closing, exhausted, have to go, love you, Felipe.

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