Raising Our Spirits In The Meantime

Some of My Rebecca’s Darlow’s Enigma roses. It’s a great rose.
(photo R Graves)

Yesterday We/I realized the we had to work on raising our spirits. Time in this pandemic moves slower than our most boring class in high school. We are mostly Jonah in the belly of the whale. There were three things that happened yesterday that brought welcome relief and healing to our household.

I had my weekly phone conversation with friend and author Dr Henriette Klauser who makes time fly. She used to be able to come over for walks and tapas before the pandemic. But the the closing of the West Seattle Bridge and the social distancing have made us further apart so we settle on the phone. It is always good to hash things out with her.

Then My Rebecca and I had a FaceTime with Rev Bonnie Barnard, speaker and author. It has been years since we have been with her, such a joy. Somehow things that are difficult seem to be put in perspective when she is around. She with Henriette have websites just use their names. And they need to meet each other so we got that proposed.

Then in the evening we had a couple of couples over for sitting around the campfire with physically distancing of course. Gosh, and we laughed and laughed. It seems so simple the joy of getting together. And now we all smell like smoke.

restorative loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “Raising Our Spirits In The Meantime”

    1. Bonnie ~ didn’t know you were a poet! It was remarkably uplifting, that evening. I feel way more comfortable outside these days with the virus lurking. Miss you, Felipé.x

    1. Valerie ~ I presume that I met you on the trail lately. Tell me where? Yes, I am doing OK, health wise. I am still stage four which keeps me on the edge of my seat so to speak. And I am through with all the standard chemo cocktails and I am on my first clinical trial which I have been milking for over a year now. But life goes on and God is Good. Tell me more about your story. Thanks for stopping by. Felipé.x

  1. Hi Phil
    I found out about you when I listened to
    The Camino Podcast by David Whitson.
    I love how God provided for you and will keep helping you along the way One day I will be able to go and walk
    I listen to Louise Hay you can heal your life.
    Here is an affirmation for Colon cancer
    Heal from Colon Cancer
    Fear of letting go. Holding on to the past. I easily release that which I no longer need. The past is over, and I am free.”
    “Cancer Deep hurt. Long-standing resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. “What’s the use?”
    I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill”
    Heal Your Body A-Z Louise Hay

    I pray the affirmations will help.

    1. Thank you Valerie ~ I will investigate those. It’s all a long journey with many things to learn and many great people along the way. Felipé.x

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