Pushing The Envelope

Always on the move still

Is that phrase still in use? I think it came out of the aeronautical world where test pilots would fly a little faster or fly a little higher or in some way go beyond previous ideas of the capability of their aircraft. Then the phrase got out in the general public and it got applied to all sorts of things and situations and we all used it. But that was ages ago I suppose.

In yesterday’s blogpost I was getting at that idea. It seems the thing to do now, for me, to take what I’ve been given and expand it pushing it’s boundaries outward. If I can’t escape from this confinement in the box of having cancer I can certainly beat against it’s walls stretching them to create more space to maneuver.

Is that my new way to look at myself and a new way for me to operate, this test pilot guy? I guess I took Felipé the bomb disposal technician guy to it’s conclusion by successfully disarmed my own personal cancer bomb where it is no longer a spiritual bother for me. Well done Felipé! I guess I should celebrate that now that I realize it.

A new era has arrived. I’m liking this. Thank you my God for keeping me around to live into this new challenge. I’d better clip these tags off of my flight suit so I don’t quite look like such a new guy. There, that’s better.

There, that’s better loves, Felipé.

6 thoughts on “Pushing The Envelope”

  1. You look good in that flight suit, my friend. Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt and keep on loving.

  2. You are the best teacher/instructor ever, Felipe!
    Thank you for taking me as your pupil!

    Grateful love,

      1. Well, you know how this is… some days, school is just boring, but if we were able to learn a thing or two, it was worthwhile to take the class 🙂

        Already missing your friends! 🙁

        1. Cris ~ this class is a real bargain, thanks for taking it. You will have to fill me in on the Jim and Gloria visit. Thanks for being the hostess for them. All dang alperfect, Felipé.x

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